Knowing the different parts of a spotlight helps to better understand the spotlight. It greatly helps in determining any issues that may develop in the light over time and how to best fix them. Our customers knowing the names for the different parts also helps us better communicate when helping you trouble shoot your light.

Spotlight has three main sections: The head, the shaft and the handle. Within each of these parts is in turn several parts. Below is a list of the main parts. This is setup as more of a rough crash course in parts involved in a spotlight than a detailed parts schematic.


Shell - Main part of the head. Holds lamp, wiring and connects to head post for power and rotation. S04 Black Shell U-5547-0019  S04 Chrome Shell U-5547-00017

Ring - Retainer ring used to hold lamp into the shell of the light. Model S04 rings (pictured) rotate into and out of the shell like the lid of a jar and is secured with a screw. Model S6 and H1 rings hold the lamp using a series of four U-6598 springs. The ring is then secured with a screw. S04 Black Ring U-8173-0002  S04 Chrome Ring U-8173

Lamp - Most of our lights use lamps not bulbs. A lamp is an assembly that contains lens, reflector, and filament (or LEDs) in one part. U-H7635 sealed beam lamp is used in 325 Series spotlights is an example of this where all parts have been manufactured together as a single part. U-7682 lamp used in 330 Series spotlights uses a replaceable H3 bulb instead of a filament. U-8547 LED Lamp used in 335 Series is also a sealed assembly and uses LEDs for light instead of a filament.

Bulb - Most of our lights only use lamps and not bulbs. 330 Series H3 Halogen Spotlight is the exception. A standard 100 watt H3 bulb is added into an assembly made of a lens and reflector. The bulb can be switched out if it needs to be replaced. U-H3-100W bulb is used in most spotlights. Ford vehicles purchased directly from the factory come with spotlights using U-H3-100W-B. U-H3-100W-B can be used in any 330 Series spotlight. U-H3-100W would require a U-7735 wire to work in spotlights from Ford.

Screw - Used to secure the ring to the shell. S04 Black Screw: U-7336-2  S04 Chrome Screw U-5545

Headpost - A piece that is set inside the head housing of the spotlight and continues up into the head of the light. It contains the hot connection for the lamp and meshes with the rod and gear to rotate the head of the light. Can be removed from the head housing by removing the pin. U-6221-A4 Headpost Assembly


Head Housing - Metal housing that connect the head of the light to the shaft of the light. Contains gears for rotation of the head and where power is run through to the head. Tube is not available separately from the head housing. The two are connected using a special machine which is not easily replicated without the machine. Please Contact Us for help picking out the correct part.

Plug - End piece on handle housing that can be removed to gain access to the inside of the head housing. Used for maintenance on the rod & gear and for lubricating the spotlight. U-7989

Headpost - A piece that is set inside the head housing of the spotlight and continues up into the head of the light. It contains the hot connection for the lamp and meshes with the rod and gear to rotate the head of the light. Can be removed from the head housing by removing the pin. U-6221-A4 Headpost Assembly

Set Screw A - Secures the outer chrome tube in the head housing. Controls up/down travel of the light. Tighten this screw can fix "flopping" on most lights. Needs to be loosened to remove outer tube. U-7994 Set Screw

Set Screw B - Used to control rotation of the light. The tighter it is the less the light rotates, the looser it is the more the light will rotate. Tighten this screw can fix "flopping" on most lights. U-7994 Set Screw

Pin - Secures headpost into head housing. Removing it allows the headpost to be removed for repair or replacement. U-6140 Wedge Pin

Bushing - Two types of bushing exist. Standard spotlight come with a split bushing. This can be relocated as needed for the light to correctly fit a vehicle. The bushing is what the bracket clamps on to. On custom fit spotlights, a sweated bushing is used. The bushing is sweated (A type of soldering) into a specific location on the outer tube. These positions are specific to what is needed on the vehicle the light is built for. Sweated bushings cannot be sold separately from the Outer Tube. Split bushing is U-3062

Outer Tube - Outermost tube in three tube construction that makes up the shaft of the spotlight. Tube is chrome plated for appearance and durability. Notch at the end of the tub controls the rotation of the light along the shaft (how far the light can swing). Correct Outer Tube part number will depend on the specific light. Please Contact Us for help picking out the correct part.

Intermediate Tube - Middle tube in three tube construction that makes up the shaft of the spotlight. Milled area is added to this tube on some custom fit spotlights. This spot is called a flat. It is used to better secure the handle assembly to the shaft assembly and prevent damage to the shaft. Tube is not available separately from the head housing. The two are connected using a special machine which is not easily replicated without the machine. Please Contact Us for help picking out the correct part.

Rod & Gear - Innermost tube in three tube construction that makes up the shaft of the spotlight. Electrical component that runs power from the handle of the light to the headpost of the light. Also rotates the head of the light. There is a notch on the tip of the rod that lines up with a gear inside of the handle. This gear is connected to the grip. Rotating the handle in turn rotates the gear that then rotates the rod & gear which rotates the headpost. Correct Rod & Gear part number will depend on the specific light. Please Contact Us for help picking out the correct part.

Contact - Tip of Rod that allows electricity to flow through into the rod. The contact must be touching its corresponding contact inside the handle. A gap between the two can cause blinking, shorting and arching. Gap is normally caused by improperly secured handle or the outer tube not being fully seated into the head housing. There should be one inch between the end of the outer tube and the end of the intermediate tube.


Handle Housing - Main body of the handle assembly. Houses the switch to control on/off function of the light and gear to controls rotation of the head. New Style Handle housing (matches new style cap & toggle) 8598-P4. Old Style handle housing U-8313.

Cap - Holds the toggle and closes off the handle housing. Removing the cap gives access to the inside of the handle housing. Allows access to the switch. There was a toggle design change in 2014. Old style cap & toggle assemblies are U-6002-A1. New style cap is U-8596

Toggle - Used to turn the light on and off. Toggle activates the switch inside the handle housing when moved to on position and disables the flow of electricity when moved to on position. There was a toggle design change in 2014. Old style cap & toggle assemblies are U-6002-A1. New style toggle is U-8597-A.

Grip - Rubber or plastic part of the handle assembly. Controls rotation of the light. U-5591 Grip

Switch - Black box inside of the handle housing. The switch connects the lead wire that comes into the handle to the contact on the end of the rod to allow electricity to flow through the light. The toggle completes the circuit when in the on position. Switch is only available with wire. Switch & Wire assembly is 6453-0001

Wedges & Wedge Screws - Used to secure handle assembly to the shaft of the spotlight. Removing wedge and wedge screw allows the handle to be removed. Two types of wedges and wedge screws exist. One type is used for lights with flats milled into the intermediate shaft of the spotlight, the other is used for spotlights that do not have flats milled into the intermediate shaft. For lights with flat use U-8384-P Wedge and U-8385 Wedge Screw. For lights without flats use U-1834 Wedge and U-1836 Wedge Screw.


Bill Garrett

Date 1/29/2017

John Howland

Date 3/22/2019

Unity: Brian

Date 3/25/2019

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